Saturday 2 December 2017

#300GoodDeeds - Day Two. LEGO and a Helping Hand

Today's good deeds were slightly different - especially the first one!

We headed off to Puffin Croft Petting Farm and Farm Shop to choose our Christmas Tree (although it won't be delivered until the 15th December). Puffin Croft was where we got Orlando from four years ago, and we haven't been back since it changed hands.

Puffin Croft - different ownership, still fantastic.
Also, scene of one of our #300GoodDeeds
The new owner has carried on the ethos of a farm that cares about animals and the wider environment, and developed the idea for a petting farm that the previous owners had just started to explore. It's a lovely little place, and well worth a visit! It's always good to shop locally and ethically, although that wasn't the good deed for the day...

The good deed was helping someone to locate the vegetables they were looking for. I hope the owner of Puffin Croft didn't mind, but this lady was looking everywhere for her three neeps and three kilos of carrots, and couldn't return later in the day when the owner would be back, due to other commitments. Don't ask me how, but it seems I have a neeps-and-carrots radar! It didn't occur to me until about an hour later that helping the lady find her veggies was a good deed, but that just shows how easy it should be to get to 300 (hopefully!).

Our second good deed was to donate a small Lego toy to Caithness fm's Toy Appeal, which distributes toys and items of interest to underprivileged children and young people around Caithness. Our region has some very underprivileged areas, one of which is just round the corner from where we live: it really is a place of two halves. To give something to a local charity like this - not just money - means that you can really imagine a child being presented with the toy. And who doesn't love Lego?!

Caithness fm Toy Appeal.
People in Caithness always give generously to this great cause.
J. x

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