Friday 13 December 2019

Day Thirteen: Finding the Beauty on an Unlucky Day

Having the workbase at school to myself so I didn't have to explain my sleepy snuffling to people.
Watching Christmas videos. Can you name this one?
The Sprocker Sprawl: a mixture of relaxation and pure abandon!
First batch of mince pies! These ones were identified as "rejects" but they still taste great!
Our not-actually-five-foot Christmas trees! 
Impulse buys! Mum and Dad got this one from B&M.
The Twelve Days of Christmas! These are up all year but really come into their own about now!
A handmade angel joining the crib - an attempt at working in clay!
Christmas parcels arriving at an increasingly rapid rate!
Anothe Children of Green Knowe reference - a poster on the Railway Room door.
A beautiful mini-wreath!
Orlando finding his spot for the night...
...and his funny puppy face!

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