Monday 12 December 2022

12th December: White Christmas

 Today's been full of moments, if I can just bring them all to mind now I've sat down to write this:

  • We had an impromptu walk to the house this morning when we realised the car couldn't go any further. The road is a sheet of ice, and in parts, we had to waddle our way along, but everything was beautiful. We had a "I can't believe we're here" moment, looking across at the hoarfrost covering everything.

  • On our walk, we saw two deer beside the broch. They just stood and watched us, completely unconcerned now we didn't have the dogs with us.
  • Unable to feel fingers, we curled them around a hot cup of tea when we arrived back at the house, sitting together by the fire.
  • Listening to Children of Green Knowe, read by Mum, and imagining all the goings-on in our house.
  • Putting fake candles around the crib. At Stempster, the nativity scene goes on the bookcase, and real candles would not be a good idea. Cue LED lights!
  • Seeing the snowbow from the bathroom window,  as it edged closer to Stempster.
  • Planting 25 silver birches. They arrived today and were bare root so I didn't want them sitting round in the garage for too long. It was snowing heavily, but I have to grab all daylight hours as I'm away at work most of the time.
  • Sitting having lunch with my family. We don't have lunch at the weekends, so I don't get this very often. It may seem small, but it matters so much.
  • Watching the dogs playing together in the orchard. We didn't walk them today because they would have pulled us over, but they love playing in the snow and frost, before coming inside to warm up again. When we first got Jess, we weren't sure how Orlando would feel. Now, they are so comfortable together.
  • Having my singing lesson again. For some reason or another, I've had very few singing lessons this term. And I've missed them! It was great to get back!
  • Sorting out the gifts I have for my loved ones, and figuring out what I still need to do. Yes, it's hectic, but I love imagining their reactions when they open their presents.
  • Getting out the snow globe (well, I didn't, but I watched!) The snow globe was brought back by Mum and Dad when they went to Vienna and it's clockwork. When you wind it up, it plays Silent Night. Beautiful!

There! There are more - the day has been full of special moments, and I can't wait for tomorrow's!

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24th December: The Final Preparations

Picture 1: Orlando has loved all 11 of his Christmases so far! Picture 2: And another crazy Orlando tail!  ...