Wednesday 14 December 2022

14th December: A Snowy Day

1. Thoughtfulness from Clem's headteacher getting in touch to say that her safety comes first and, if the roads were bad, she shouldn't go in today.

2. Orlando and Jess chasing each other in the snow. It is amazing to see how well they are getting on these days!

3. A proper snowfall! All our snow before today was freezing almost straight away so it was nice to have some crunchy snow today!

4. Doing more feedback for Globe Soup stories. I have really enjoyed reading so many great stories.

5. Getting some lovely feedback from other Globe Soup authors. Positive and constructive feedback always gives you a warm, fuzzy feeling!

6. Using the sledge to bring the post in! It was so much fun, if a little exhausting! (The post was four massive boxes of compost)

7. Making the Christmas biscuits - we made treacle biscuits and gingerbread, with an eye to decorating them tomorrow. 

8. The way that we became encircled by snow clouds at one point. Above us was a patch of pale blue while all around was brown.

9. Catching up with the advent candle in the living room! We hadn't lit it for a couple of days.

10. Clemency received the rose she had ordered from David Austin. I'm guessing it was an impulse buy because she couldn't actually remember what it was!

11. Going outside in the dark to admire the snow. It was starting to thaw a little by this point but it was still catching the light beautifully. 

12. A picture update on our latest niece and her wonderful big sister enjoying another snow day at home.

13. Mum and Dad working together to get their Christmas cards written. It is lovely to send messages to loved ones far and near at Christmas.

14. A hysterical moment while we were making the biscuits, when we mistakenly believed we had been very severely short-changed with our butter. Cue a hilarious video where we attempted to shame the retailer... but realised midway through that it was our mistake!

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