Friday 16 December 2022

16th December: Looking for the Magic in the Moments

 Today has been an interesting day to say the least! But in amongst all the craziness there have certainly been some magic moments worth celebrating. Here's some of them...

One: This morning the half moon was so bright it was casting shadows on the snow. It put me in mind of the lines from A Visit from Saint Nicolas by Clement Clarke Moore: The moon on the breast of the new-fallen snow, Gave a lustre of midday to objects below

Two: Getting all the Christmas parcels sent. We're making the most of the free collection from the Royal Mail, especially as our car can't get off the drive! It's been parked in the same place for almost a week because of the snow and ice - but it's lovely to be snowed-in at our lovely home.

Three: And speaking of the snow on the road... There were definite signs of a tea-party having taken place out there! The footprints never lie!

Four: Today, as I said Merry Christmas to my last pupil of the evening, I closed my teaching of 2022. This year has just flown by - I can't believe how fast it's gone!

Five: On a Google Meet for Auri's lesson, it was lovely to see both the Croy and the France families there. But it might just have been capped by Auri's opening words of: "look at my baby sister".

Six: Judith brought the Christmas Trees inside! They will be decorated tomorrow and Sunday, and are just going to stand a while to settle. This just means that they are easier to decorate!

Seven: This evening (well, afternoon really, because sunset is so early!) the world was full of blues! The blue sky was reflected on the snow, and it looked incredibly magical.

Eight: Today we got a gift from a friend who we never normally receive a Christmas present from. That was lovely, and will be sitting under the tree as soon as it's decorated.

Nine: We used the sledge to move the compost and also bring the Christmas decorations over from the laundry room. We always said we would use the sledge if we ever got snowed in, and today we did!

Ten: We were both pleased and relieved to have Clemency arrive safely home. It took her almost two hours to get to work this morning, and she had to drive incredibly carefully because the hill was covered in ice.

Eleven: Mummy had a lovely conversation with Grandma today. It is so nice to be able to keep in touch with one another despite big distances. Sometimes I think about how it must have been in the times I write about, when it took days or week for news to travel the distance which is now instantaneous.

Twelve: Friday is burger day! This is always a magical moment in the week, and it makes the whole house smell very exciting!

Thirteen: It has been so cold today, that the birds have had a few extra meals. At one point, as Mummy was feeding them, they were coming right up to her to collect the food.

Fourteen: Tomorrow, I'll be putting the Christmas concert together - It's been brilliant gathering in the recordings my pupils have made, and I can't wait to share them with family and friends.

Fifteen: The house looked gorgeous this morning in the snow. I still have moments when I can't believe we live here!

Sixteen: This evening didn't quite go according to plan (a bit like the rest of the day!) but the presence of Pringles and a cup of tea has made everything seem a little bit better.

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