Thursday 21 December 2023

21st December: One Very Windy Day!

Picture 1: The sky this morning was incredible! Very threatening but beautiful! 

Picture 2: In the opposite direction, the sun was rising...

Picture 3: ...Covering the house in a pink light.

Picture 4: Look at that diagonal tree! We've had some pretty windy weather!

Picture 5: The pond actually had current on it!

Picture 6: The Flapometer is going a bit wild here!

Picture 7: The wind genuinely blew this plant out of its plantpot. I don't actually know what happened to the pot! 

Picture 8: The Forss was very fast and swollen today.

Picture 9: And I'm not sure that the Christmas tree in Thurso is supposed to be at that angle!

Picture 10: Peeping out from behind the Lincoln Imp is... Piggy! I hid him again after this, let's see if he appears again on here!

Picture 11: The birds were unfazed by the wind, although there were one or two acrobatics as they tried to steady themselves!

Picture 12: Mostly they were very well-behaved and waited their turn.

Picture 13: The goldfinches had first dibs on this feeder...

Picture 14: ...But also discovered there were lots of exciting things under the toppled Christmas tree!

Picture 15: But they all cleared out pretty quickly when the hail and rain arrived!

Picture 16: Orlando was unimpressed by the deposits of hail when he had to go outside to the toilet.

Picture 17: But waiting for him inside the conservatory is rather nice at the moment!

Picture 18: I also noticed how much of the twinkle lights' shine was caught by and reflected in the ivy leaves.
Picture 19: And it's not only the Christmas lights which are illuminating things. The moon is very bright this evening!

Picture 20: Jess has taken to terrorising poor Orlando when he is trying to eat. Imagine having this looking down on you every time you tried to eat!

Picture 21: And finally, I found him again! I am now trying to come up with somewhere really cunning to hide him...

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24th December: The Final Preparations

Picture 1: Orlando has loved all 11 of his Christmases so far! Picture 2: And another crazy Orlando tail!  ...