Saturday 9 December 2017

#300GoodDeeds - Day Nine - Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow

This morning I woke up with a line from "Christmas in Puddle Lane" (a childhood favourite book) in my head. I suspect you'll hear more about that particular book as we get closer to Christmas. But the line was "So the magician was away from home when the ice and snow came" and it's how I felt about the parents being away this morning when I woke to see the snow which has descended in the wake of Storm Caroline.

Many of our good deeds today are linked to the snow - which is still falling as I'm writing this at 22:10.  Hold onto your seats, we're going to take you on a whirlwind tour of our good deeds of the day.
  1. We made a bird party. If you haven't read "The Children of Green Knowe" this may not make much sense to you, but we readied oats, apple, bread, seeds and fat balls as a snow party for the little fellas. Unfortunately we had to walk Orlando straight afterwards so we didn't get to watch them enjoying it, but most of the food was gone by the time we returned, so we assumed they enjoyed it.
  2. On our way to Newtonhill Croft, where we walk Orlando, we pulled in to allow another driver to pass. This might seem like a small thing, but courtesy in driving is so important in this weather, especially on single track road.
  3. On the walk we built a - very small - snowman on one of the benches for someone else to find. I hope whoever finds it doesn't do what they do in the song "Winter Wonderland" - I'm always shocked and horrified that the other kiddies knock him down!
    Our little snowman,
    ready to say hello to anyone who passes along.
  4. On the way back we called in at Pets at Home and sponsored two more Christmas dinners for pets.
  5. We also bought a charity bag rather than the 5p plastic bag - winning all round: we get to keep and reuse the bag, they get money for charity.
  6. Orlando has been chipping in with his good deeds, too. In Pets at Home he made one elderly lady's day by expecting love and strokes from her. She was so pleased to spoil Orlando she forgot what she had gone into the shop for!
    Orlando with his bottle
  7. Not only that but, on his evening walk, Orlando rescued another bottle from the road to deposit it in the bin. The one-pup-war-on-litter continues!
    Orlando and J binning the bottle
  8. I delivered a parcel we had taken in for a neighbour. They were not very grateful, but I gave them a great big smile, and went on my way.
  9. We concluded our final bout of Christmas biscuit making. We did three times the recipe, which may seem a big like gluttony, but actually it (hopefully) means there's less pressure on Mum to do any extra baking to what she wants to when she gets home.
We've actually had quite a few good deeds today. Perhaps the snow makes it easier, perhaps it's because it's weekend, or that we're having to run the house at the moment. Whatever the reason, it's been an exhausting day and there have been snoozes taken on sofas and chairs by all of us. I'm off to steal 40 winks now.

G'night all!
V x

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