Sunday 10 December 2017

#300GoodDeeds - Day Ten - Adventure and Misadventure

Today there was a plan. It was a good plan which was going to allow for good deeds and respite from the night before, and readying the house for the return of the parents. Then there was a phone call... And then there was a cardboard box...

We had good deeds lined up. We'd even started to list them on the draft blog, but there was a phone call which send everything skewwhiff! The organist at church (very wisely) decided not to brave the terrible road conditions on the road to Wick. Could J step in? Of course she did, resulting in a good deed. Make that two as C, who was still slightly suffering the results of the staff Christmas dinner the night before, said she would go along to keep her company.

Great! the morning was just getting going and we'd already bagged a couple of extra good deeds. I also arranged a (slightly smaller) bird party, hanging up a seed and suet coconut for them as well as all the usual.

A miniature snowman I built today
while J&C were at church

Next up, J excavated the games we'd been trying to get at, after beginning on a brilliant idea for a personalised Secret Santa idea for one of her colleagues.  So now we were at five, halfway there, and so many more planned.

Then disaster struck. In a moment of special unawareness a cardboard box collided with an eye and a visit to Minor Injuries was required. Suddenly the good deeds we had planned were terminated.  Still, I managed to go and pick up Mum and Dad from their bus and I stepped into the breach to walk Orlando for the second time in the day (normally we take it in turns so that no one has to do more than one walk). On this walk Mum and I cleared the footpath of the branches which had come down from the trees during Storm Caroline and which were now difficult to spot in the snow.

The baking which was meant to be done by J for her staff Christmas dinner tomorrow was seamlessly taken on by C while J was at hospital. A good deed on a good deed, but still only technically one, so a final one was required to make it to a nice round ten.

Yes, we live in Narnia

Number ten, the final good deed of the day. I caught Mum trying to lug her suitcase upstairs. Having prised her stubborn fingers from the handle, I managed to persuade her I should carry it upstairs.

Today has proved that no amount of preparation is sufficient when circumstances beyond your control occur. But it has also proved that good deeds can be free and stem from helping other people as much as charities and organisations.

Now it's bedtime and I'm relieved it is!
V x

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