Tuesday 19 December 2017

#300GoodDeeds - Day Nineteen - The Day of The Bug

Today has been a day of feeling under the weather! There's always a bug that descends around Christmas time and this was The Day Of The Bug! Therefore, it has been tricky getting all the good deeds done, but it's amazing how many you pick up over the course of the day!

The Christingle is looming (both exciting and terrifying!) so many of my own good deeds have been based around that, such as:
  1.  Printing and stapling the Order of Service. This was no mean feat as three ink cartridges needed changing, and the stapler kept breaking!!
  2.  I went to the church to set up for the Christingle. We had to move the Christmas tree (which is beautiful) and the friend helping with running the service brought in another Christmas tree for the Christingle activities. Watch this space and I'll let you know how it goes...
  3.  I also had the privilege of talking to someone who is exploring their faith at the moment. It's always great to be with someone at the start of a journey!
  4.  V and I went to Tesco this evening to do the shopping for the Christingle. Ever wondered what a Christingle shop looks like?
A Christingle shop!
Because of The Bug, (5.) I walked Orlando on my own so that C didn't have to. On our walk:
  6.  Orlando picked up a bottle and then dropped it off at the bin.
  7.  We talked to people we met and wished them a Merry Christmas!

Another theme for our #300GoodDeeds today was doing a little bit extra at work, such as:
  8.  Clemency was chatting to elderly residents at the Care Home she visited with her class. Her and the children will almost certainly have made the residents' day. It means ever such a lot to mix young and old at this time of year.
  9.  I shared some ideas and suggestions with a colleague who's not sure about how to address a journey with her children. My suggestion was to put sleeping bags in the car and make it into a full-blown adventure!
  10. It's a busy time of year, with parents being pulled in several different directions. V looked after one of her pupils today after his mum was unavoidably delayed in picking him up.
  11.  On her way to the Residential Home, C saw someone who, a couple of years ago, made her life an absolute misery. She gave him a cheery smile. This is a really Good Deed - it's so difficult to see people who have upset you, but even harder to be nice to them when you do see them!

Other good deeds today have included:
  12. V and J going to the recycling centre to drop off the cardboard that accumulates from online shopping!
  13. Whilst there, I picked up some cardboard that had dropped onto the floor and deposited it in the correct bin.
  14. V was doing her usual courteous driving there and back - particularly challenging and important on narrow roads!
  15. C and I have both been writing our Christmas cards to friends and family around the country!
  16. We dropped off some food for the "unfortunate dogs".
  17. C sent a cute puppy picture to someone on Twitter who was feeling sad.
  18. C wrote a letter to some friends who moved away.
  19. V postponed her Games Night because Mum was so tired (she has been working flat out today - even more than usual, which those of you who know her may not believe humanly possible!!
Our Christmas Tree - a light for those just passing by.
  - J. x

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