Monday 18 December 2017

#300GoodDeeds - Day Eighteen - A Christmas Concert and A Long Day

It's a week until the big day and, if you haven't been keeping track yourselves, we've already stacked up a gratifying 153 Good Deeds (171 after today). We're over halfway through and, although it's exhausting, it really is teaching us to watch out for other people and spend each second wisely.

I'm going to attempt to make this vaguely chronological, although there's a chance this won't work, to give you an idea of the shape of our day.  Here goes...

Orlando returns victorious from his walk
  1. On our way out to walk Orlando we hung a coconut on the tree in the square.  The other one is almost empty so we used the same tree, but a different branch.
  2. During the morning cup of tea - a very important part of our daily ritual, without that caffeine boost, what hope is there of completing any work? - J put up the sticky strips and hung up more Christmas cards. Our bookcases are now looking very festive!
  3. I finished addressing Mum's and Dad's Christmas cards, although we did discover I'd missed out a page of the address book. I'm so pleased we spotted it before any were sent out! (Mum and Dad have been writing the Christmas cards this evening.)
  4. I got very confused when I opened the door to a man who began with "Sorry to ask you again..."  I had no idea who he was, and assumed he had spoken to either a sister or Mum last time.  Turns out it was a delivery man with parcels for next door, which we happily took in.
  5. While this was happening, J was scanning and enhancing some of Mum's old photos which she needed for her blog. A lot of the photos were a pinkish hue and she was able to filter this out.
  6. J also printed out captions for Mum's and Dad's Christmas card picture. Every year they send out a photo or a photo-montage to let everyone see what we've been up to.
  7. By this time it was getting late. Sunset here was at 15:20, so it was getting dark when C rang up for a lift from work. I wasn't teaching so I went to collect her so that Dad could have an evening off.
  8. On driving out to pick C up, I waited for a driver who seemed very uncertain of the roads. Either that or they were dodging potholes, or they were drunk. Or maybe all three!
  9. After she got home and had a hot chocolate, C went out to walk Orlando on her own so that J could get on with...
  10. Putting together the Order of Service for Wednesday's Christingle service. It's going to be a fun event!
  11. Orlando once again came to the rescue of Wick and collected not one, but two bottles. There's just no stopping that litter-collecting pup!
  12. C also wrote a letter to a recently bereaved friend. Words of comfort are very important, but doubly so at this time of year.
  13. This evenings main event was the Newton Park Primary School (where C teaches) Christmas Show. It was a great evening! As part of it we supported the raffle to raise money and support the school. We didn't win anything, but it was good to know the money was well spent!
  14. You'd be forgiven for thinking this was the end of the evening, but we were off out again! This time for some late night shopping (21:00 is a late night for us!). There were things which had fallen from a stacking trolley and J rescued them and put them back where they should be. These weren't the only things lying around and J successfully returned quite a few!
  15. It's been a long while since we gave to who we call the "Unfortunate Cats", so we bought some food and dropped it off in the Cats Protection collection box in the shop.
  16. C also shopped for her Secret Santa - something special and different to anything else... we guarantee it! - collecting up different things and putting them together to make a super whole.
  17. This wasn't the only present C was shopping for. She also bought presents to go under the church tree for all the regular parishioners, once again carefully thinking about what each person would like.
  18. The final good deed of the day was just a few minutes ago. I printed off a copy of one of Mum's ancestors which she is enclosing in a Christmas card to one of her family.
It's now only a little before midnight and my eyes are falling closed. It's time for me to sleep. Either that or find a very strong cup of tea. I'll let you know tomorrow which I opted for!
V x

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