Sunday 17 December 2017

#300GoodDeeds - Day Seventeen - An odd combo: Re-Decorating, Church and Star Wars!

Today turned out to be an interesting day. Right from the word go. There is always a race to get downstairs first on the day after decorating day. Today was no exception! V managed to pip Mum to the post and got downstairs, only to find that the tree was rather more horizontal than she had expected...
The effort that followed led to several of the early good deeds of the day:

1.  V held the tree in position for an hour, while Mum tried to get up as much of the broken glass as possible (we lost a lot of precious blown glass baubles, but we do try not to get too upset about material things)
2.  V then climbed up some steps and tied the tree in three places.
3.  More climbing (and another good deed for V!) saw her putting up beautiful paper ornaments, which detract from the string!
What we were expecting to find when we came downstairs this morning...
So that was an interesting start to the day! Also in the morning, C and I headed off to church, where they managed to spread a few smiles as well:

4.  I served for a priest - the first time since I was about 16!! It generated a few nerves, but fortunately he was a very understanding, supportive sort of chap!
5.  I also brought it to the attention of anyone who could help that one of the heaters was making a strange noise. I like to think that this might have protected people, just in case the heater was about to explode (which is, admittedly, unlikely!)
6.  C moved so that someone else could sit on a comfy chair in church
7.  It's always nice to pay someone a compliment (as long as it's honest!) and C took the opportunity to tell someone how nice their singing voice is.
8.  We dropped off some soup into the Church Food Bank

This evening was fun as we went to see the new Star Wars film (which is fantastic, by the way!). A few good deeds came from that as well:

9.  V drove both ways so that Dad didn't have to, as he hasn't been feeling 100% recently.
10.  I was also looking out for Dad at the cinema, and went to the bathroom at the same time as him so that I could make sure he didn't trip up on his way back down to our seats!
11.  I treated everyone to sweeties and a drink... yum :)
12.  It was quite late when we got back, so I walked Orlando on my own so that Clem could do some lesson planning. The walk should have been quiet at that time of night, but let's just say that not everyone has good control of their dogs...!
A Star Wars question: why does Lindor chocolate look like the Death Star??
Other good deeds from the day have included:

13.  During her driving lesson, C waved to someone to acknowledge their courteous driving. Considerate driving is something that is really important, and she was pleased to have started as she means to go on!
14.  Mum was quite disappointed with the untidiness of some parts of the house yesterday, so I took the opportunity to do some tidying this afternoon.
15.  I also evicted various pairs of socks from V's room..!
16.  V addressed several more of Mum's and Dad's Christmas cards: she did G to S!
17.  V also put the blue bin out for tomorrow morning. This is a "no greater love" job, as V is a bit germ-phobic and wouldn't touch a bin without very good reason!

So, all-in-all, a busy, fun Sunday! And nice to think that we've spread a few smiles along the way as well!

  - J. x

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