Tuesday 12 December 2017

#300GoodDeeds - Day Twelve - Post Offices and Icy Paths

Day 12 is a turning point. We're now halfway through the period of Advent.  But we're far from finished. This evening marks the achievement of only 78/300 good deeds.  We haven't even done a third of them yet!

But we're working hard at raising a smile, sharing Christmas happiness, and offering helping hands.  Here's a quick breakdown of our twelve good deeds for day twelve.
  1. The snow has ceased falling, but the paths are now an inch deep in ice.  So a few of our good deeds are a direct result of this, including number one.  C and I went down to the Post Office to send a parcel to Germany so the parents wouldn't have to brave the bleak conditions.
  2. Because C braved the ice to keep me company on that trek, I went out to walk Orlando with her so she wouldn't have to go alone.
  3. On his walk, Orlando once again retrieved a bottle and dropped it off at the bin.  [Actually he dropped it on the floor beside the bin, making it very interesting when I leaned down to pick it up on the ice!]
  4. But before all these things, the good deeds day started off with J calling the doctors to arrange a prescription for Dad, leading to...
  5. Me calling in at the pharmacy to see if the prescription was ready later in the day, so that Dad wouldn't have to turn out.
  6. As it was Postal Workers' Day, it was quite nice to have the chance to offer a smile and a few friendly words to the numerous posties who dropped off parcels.  One of these was a parcel for next door which our neighbour only just missed.  We shared a joke about how busy Christmas was and a few more smiles were raised.
  7. A week tomorrow J is running a Christingle service at the church.  Because she was in work today (and doesn't get home until 6:30ish) we took some posters advertising the service around shops and asked them to put them up, including...
  8. One shop where we gave a donation for the poster being put up.
    Our "front garden" - Argyle Square - where
    we hung the coconut.

  9. I once more hung up a coconut for the birds, this time on the square.  The poor things were so hungry that, by the time we returned from the dog walk, the almost empty coconut was now on the ground and pretty much just a shell.  We didn't want dogs to get it, so we took the remainder into the back garden and Mum wedged it onto the bird table so it wouldn't fall.
  10. In an act of complete generosity, J shared some of her Christmas biscuits with her colleagues.  This is a good deed indeed, as our Christmas biscuits are highly prized and coveted.
  11. Finally (yes, I realise this is only number 11, but these last two are linked) I addressed the parents' Christmas card envelopes from A-G.  I hope to continue with them and try and get all the way to Z in the address book.
  12. Inspired by this, I got in touch with some old (actually one of them is two months younger than me, but I haven't seen her in years) friends on social media to get addresses so that I could send her a Christmas Card.  They were probably very surprised to see my name appear in their inbox!
So there you are, 12 good deeds for day 12.  Tomorrow is a big day with lots happening and several opportunities for good deeds.  Let's see if we can manage 13!

Goodnight all!

V x

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