Friday 22 December 2017

#300GoodDeeds - Day Twenty-Two - The Last Day of Term

Wow! Somehow I've ended up with only a few minutes to get this blog written. This will be a particularly brief one, then!

The Gingerbread House we decorated this evening.

Here we go - Day 22!
  1. We had a great outing this morning going to the retail park to hear C's school singing Christmas carols. C taught all her pupils actions to help them remember the words, and it worked! Even when technology failed them (with the backing track), they sang on!
  2. We had dressed up in Santa hats to go and see them (I kept mine on all day!). This may not seem like a good deed, but getting Dad to wear a hat was hard work and, when he did, he looked just like the real thing!
  3. Next we had a couple of good deeds at the retail park. We visited Pets at Home and bought two more Christmas Dinners for pets.
  4. We also took part in a charity raffle for KWK9, and got to meet their super ambassador, and his owner!
  5. As well as this, we bought a £5 gift card and left it for the next customer.
  6. And all this because we had gone to buy birdseed for Mum and Dad!
  7. On the subject of birds, we also hung up a new coconut on the tree in the square. The birds are making light work of them. I'm hoping this means we are going to have some more snow soon!
  8. We strung up the coconut on the way to walk pup. While we were on the walk we met one of Orlando's friends, Oscar. We got the chance to share a brief conversation and wish his owner a Merry Christmas before Orlando got bored and started barking at us to get a move on. He's an impatient bean!
  9. I've done a fair bit of driving backward and forward, and have done my bit by waving at everyone, letting people out at tricky junctions and waiting for people to cross the road. I've done this A LOT today, but unfortunately it still only counts as one!
  10. After walking Orlando and going to see the school choir, J and I headed out to do a bit of shopping for Mum. This was an especially good deed as we had to go to the butcher's counter and ask for some meat. The conversation went something like this:

    Butcher: Can I help you ladies?
    J: Can we get a pound and a half of diced British pork, please?
    Butcher: I've got shoulder, or loin, or these steaks.
    J: We don't really know. It's our Mum's list.
    Me: It's for a pork pie, if that helps.

    I think he found us very amusing if nothing else!
  11. J saw a lady she knew in Tesco and, again, she had the opportunity to share a few friendly words.
  12. On our way out of the shop we stopped to take part in the charity raffle. We didn't win though, but once again it was the support which counted.
  13. I straightened out the trolleys again in the little trolley park. It really is laziness of people to just throw in their trolleys, but then I quite like sorting them out.
  14. Back with C again. Because there are 28 pupils in her class, it meant not everyone was being given the chance to take part in the Advent Calendar, so C took along some extra treats for the children who hadn't.
  15. She also organised a game for the children so that they wouldn't have to do as much work on the last day of term. After all, it was Christmas Eve-Eve's eve!
  16. J and C walked Orlando this evening, allowing Mum to keep on with the jobs she was doing. J had already walked him once but was happy to help out again. This may have been related to the fact that the job Mum was doing was wrapping presents!
  17. Orlando resisted picking up a bottle on his walk today, so J picked up a can instead and dropped it off in the bin.
  18. We have a (new-ish) Christmas tradition of playing table football, spanning back about 5 years. The rest of the year it's stored in the under-eaves cupboard and, try as J and I might, we couldn't get it out. Thankfully, when C arrived, she made light work of it and retrieved it!
  19. I brought the table football downstairs. I'm counting this as a good deed as it was very difficult to manage alone on a spiral staircase!
  20. Then, it took me up until 11:10 to get the whole thing set up! Mum and I then had a quick game, just to make sure it was working!
  21. J sorted out a problem with some internet shopping I'd done for Christmas. I get really fazed, but she's super efficient, so I was really grateful she dealt with it.
  22. Finally, C did a sweep of the upstairs bins and took out the rubbish. Because our bin day is usually Monday, we have our collection tomorrow instead, because (I don't know if you noticed!) Monday is CHRISTMAS DAY!
On that exciting note, I'm off to bed! Goodnight, all!
V x

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