Friday 7 December 2018

Day Seven - A Busy Day!

So many things happening in the Crow household today. Still, that means that there has been no problem taking seven pictures for the blog.

Picture One: We've never had much luck with indoor plants so, back in summer, when one of the ladies at the Heritage Centre gave us a couple of Christmas cacti, we didn't expect them to live. Instead they are both in flower, right in time for Christmas. Perfect!

Picture Two: Whilst taking this picture, Orlando picked my pocket and stole my tissue. I was about to tell him off, but them he looked at me like this:
...and all was forgiven!

Picture Three: It was my (Judith's) last day at Noss Primary School and I will miss my little P1 class a lot over the next couple of weeks. I took this picture to remind me of the Road Safety topic I did with them. This is Safe Sam - who knows to always dress brightly to be seen at night:

Picture Four and Five: Tonight, Clemency and I decorated her classroom. This year, she was the last one at school to decorate her room, but we made sure she has now made up for that! Here are just two photos of how fabulous it looks:

Picture Six: coming home this evening to the crib was just magical...

Picture Seven: tonight we watched The Holiday, which is a Christmas classic! During the film, Orlando was curled up in his basket but - at one point - he threw his little arm in the air and stretched out. This just had to be shared with you all!

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24th December: The Final Preparations

Picture 1: Orlando has loved all 11 of his Christmases so far! Picture 2: And another crazy Orlando tail!  ...