Thursday 6 December 2018

Day Six - Mince Pies and Pups in Blankets

As I type this, I'm being rather judgmentally watched by Orlando who is wanting to go to bed.  So I shall have to be super-quick in sharing these pictures!

Picture One: Yes, it is the time of year for ridiculously late shopping.  Here's Clemency during our Tesco shop, stuffing stuff in the bag!

Picture Two: In preparation for the concert on Monday night, Mummy made our first batch of mince pies - we get to eat the "rejects". [Note: there's no such thing as rejects with Mummy's mince pies.]

Picture Three: They were so yummy, Judith felt they deserved two pictures!

Picture Four: Sticking with Christmas foods(!) here's our  pigs  pup-in-blanket! We won't really be eating him, although sometimes I do threaten to because he is just TOO handsome! As the monsters said in Where the Wild Things Are: "We'll eat you up, we love you so."

Picture Five: One of the cutest things he does is when he sits because he wants something.  He's got it into his head that if he sits, he deserves a treat.  He also believes every camera should be aimed at him!

Picture Six: The final picture of the day is actually a Facebook memory from 4 years ago, but it is such an awesome picture that, when it came up, I decided to share it with you all.

The full moon of December is a special night...

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