Tuesday 5 December 2017

#300GoodDeeds - Day Five - Communication is Key (and some others)

It's been a long day - not in a bad way, but that does mean that I might resort to listing rather than writing a long blog!! Expect more lists as we go through our #300GoodDeeds!

A robin - a sign of the times!
So, here are our five good deeds for the 5th December:

  1. C took the time to chat to a colleague who has had a bereavement about the possibilities available to her, encouraging her to see that she isn't being selfish to follow her heart back to somewhere that matters to her.
  2. Sending a colleague (different person!) an email to let them know about the storms that are on their way, and how it might impact on them. One of those things that everyone (usually including me!) assumes someone else will do, but today I took the bull by the horns!
  3. Being in touch with someone who was a great friend in childhood. It seems a bit odd to be in touch with them, simply because I haven't really known them since I was seven, but it's a great "odd" and I'm happy and grateful that social media makes it possible.
  4. Here's a funny one: it's a little thing, but taking the time to cover up a spiky piece of metal so that no one cuts themselves on it. Unfortunately, I only realised this would be a good idea *after* I cut myself on it. Ouch.
  5. Orlando took part in our #300GoodDeeds today by doing some litter picking. He likes to pick up plastic bottles that people have dropped and return them to bins. Today it was an Irn Bru bottle! (expect this one to come up a few times!)
 - J. x

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