Monday 17 December 2018

A Breakthrough and a Marathon!

I am super-excited about the Railway Room today. I'm sorry, I just have to share that with you all! You'll (hopefully!) see why when you look at the pictures!

Also, it has been Ginny's first day of holiday, especially after she completed and submitted her final essay (just the dissertation left now and she has until June/July for that!). I had my presentation at college and Clem had a rehearsal with her children's choir after school this evening.


Add to that everything that Mummy and Daddy have been doing (writing Christmas Cards; housework; putting up the staging in the Railway Room...) and it gives an idea of how the house has been electric today with busy-ness!

Picture One: Perhaps it was because of this busy-ness that Clemency evaporated for a while this evening:

Pictures Two and Three: Cute Puppy. Orlando still has a bit of a cough hanging around (it is much, much better now so we're not too worried) but he certainly knows how to look sorry for himself. It's those spaniel eyes!

Pictures 4 and 5: On his walk today, Ginny and I braved a busy Newtonhill Croft and then went to pick Clemency up from the school:

Pictures 6, 7 and 8: Ever wondered what the world looks like from underneath a Christmas tree? Wonder no more!

Pictures 9 and 10: Writing Christmas Cards this evening. There may be a slither of gin in this tonic water!

Pictures 11, 12 and 13: A few more pictures of the Christmas decorations, just because they are so amazing!

Pictures 14, 15 and 16: The Railway Room! Look! The staging is up and the boxes are going under! Look how super they look! Isn't it the most beautiful thing you've ever seen??!?!

Picture 17: I got very nostalgic finding this scoresheet on the dartboard. This game of Killer Darts would probably have been from 31st December 2016 - nearly two years ago!!

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24th December: The Final Preparations

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