Saturday 24 December 2022

24th December: Merry Christmas!!!

1. Reactivating the CHRISTMAS DAY! alarm on my phone! It plays the "forbidden verse" of O Come, All Ye Faithful and will play at 5:59am tomorrow. 

2. Putting on my weasel socks, which I only wear on Christmas Eve. 

3. Clemency stepping up to take Orlando for his groomies because Ginny was so tired she slept in.

4. Hot chocolate and a breakfast at Tesco to start Christmas Eve. 

5. Delivering Christmas cards around Wick - it was nostalgic to be in the town on Christmas Eve!

6. Orlando getting some "Me Time" at the dog groomer's. He is doing so well with the very full house, but it was nice for him to have a bit of quiet time. 

7. A visit from a family of family friends! Catching up on recent news and reminiscing about old times.

8. Auri being so excited to share the 24 windows of her advent calendar with her granny.

9. Auri and Ailsa munching on Rudolph's carrots as a snack!

10. The first cheeky glass of sherry of the season.

11. Seeing a Christmas star - despite the fact it was cloudy! What a magical moment of Christmas Eve!

12. Pictures with Grandad Santa! Persuading Dad to dress up and then feeling very proud and grateful that he took part.

13. Dad having his annual Christmas Eve chat with his younger brother, who lives 500 miles away.

14. A rich and delicious Yule Log, washed down with Irish Coffee... mmmm....

15. A great Christmas quiz, organised by Lydia, despite the fact she gave birth two weeks ago! 

16. Discussing whose stocking is whose - and the absolute horror when Mum suggested that we just use any old stockings!

17. Auri and Ailsa throwing out some (ecologically-friendly) reindeer food.

18. Watching Santa on Norad's Santa Tracker. 

19. Mum reading the Christmas story to Auri.

20. A two hour Baby Elfi cuddle for Auntie Ginny.

21. Some great moments of fun when we were playing the Don't Get Got! game. It's great to unleash our inner meanness! 

22. Feeling a great sense of satisfaction when I managed to time all the pizzas for dinner.

23. Wrapping the little ones' presents from their great-granny.

24. Seeing the iced Christmas cake - Mum has made it look very elegant this year!

Friday 23 December 2022

22nd December: The First Day of the Holidays

1. Orlando getting very concerned while Baby Ailsa was lying on the floor getting her snowsuit put on.

2. Watching our brother's family on their walk through the windfarm. They went to show Ailsa some sheep, and didn't know they were watching.

3. A very thoughtful and kind message from a friend.

4. A spontaneous hug on the morning dog walk - sometimes that can make anything in the world seem better.

5. Getting the travel cot out and cleaning it up, ready for the arrival of the Inverness family tomorrow! 

6. Looking at pictures of our beautiful dogs with an eye to entering them in an online Christmas dog show.

7. Pay-day. That might sound a bit Scroogey but, at this time of year, it's very reassuring!

8. Finally getting my bedroom completely cleaned. Usually it doesn't take long, but this has been ages because of all the Christmas stuff!

9. Eating homegrown carrots, which were characteristically (or carrot-eristically!) delicious!

10. Knowing that, with the solstice passed, the days are now getting longer. The magic of winter is all around us, but so is the promise of spring! 

11. Enjoying the Box of Delights advent calendar on Twitter. 

12. Reading and feeding back on another brilliant story from a Globe Soup contributor.

13. Looking at pictures from when we got Jess (our little cocker spaniel) and admiring how well she is doing with her weight loss journey.

14. Ailsa waking up with some seriously fuzzy and gorgeous hair. Her parents both said they had never seen it like that, but it was so cute!

15. Receiving some really beautiful Christmas cards - they are mostly very traditional and stunning this year.

16. Mum reading Linnet's story from The Children of Green Knowe. It is the best of the stories!

17. Catching up with people who have supported Crowvus during 2022.

18. Ailsa being absolutely adamant that she wanted cuddles with Granny Susie. She's amazing at making herself understood.

19. Doing the Radio Times Christmas crossword together. We're doing ok so far...

20. Clemency snapping up pictures of the birds outside - her commentary was very amusing!

21. Giving Alex, Aurelie, and Ailsa the official tour of Stempster. They'd seen all the rooms already but they were very good at pretending!

22. Having a sneaky snowman sweetie to round off dinner. Well, it is Christmas!

23rd December: Everyone Together

1. Finding the path through the ice to T12 - the wind turbine in the wood.

2. Watching a buzzard circling overhead at the windfarm.

3. Ailsa crawling up the stairs, pursued by various family members.

4. Entering Jess and Orlando into an online pet show.

5. Buying Mum some black and white licorice mints as a surprise!

6. Ginny reading Christmas at Puddle Lane to Auri - she absolutely loves the Puddle Lane stories.

7. A beautiful Christmas card, complete with a lovely personal message and a lucky sixpence!

8. Rusty the Singing Spaniel being so well-loved that his batteries ran out!

9. Jess settling well with Scapa. As I write this, they're sleeping next to each other!

10. Ailsa taking a bell from the Christmas tree - she absolutely loved it.

11. The first games of Table Football - I won the first one and Clemency won the second.

12. Clemency showing Alex around the garden and outlining her plans.

13. Going to look at the broch, sharing the history with Alex.

14. Seeing a sky full of stars - absolutely stunning at any time of year but especially at Christmas.

15. Getting the Irish Coffee cups out of the larder - full of promise!

16. Delivering Christmas presents to our neighbours - real shades of being little there!

17. Going for a drink and sweets at the Wee Shop.

18. Seeing old friends (albeit very fleetingly because we were on dog duty)

19. Auri wearing a lovely little Santa hat and coat.

20. The arrival of the Crowditches - meaning that we had our full Christmas contingent.

21. Jess being a lot better about being with Scapa.

22. Sitting down at dinner together (and eating delicious pea soup!)

23. Cuddles with Baby Elowen - she is so small and cute!

Wednesday 21 December 2022

21st December: School's Out For Christmas!

I said this morning that it didn't matter what happened today, it was all good because it would soon be the start of the holidays! With having Thursdays off, my holidays have started early!

  • So, of course, the first magic moment I'll mention is, in true Muppet fashion, the most pleasant of activities... tidying up for Christmas.
  • Spending the lead up Christmas with children is exhausting, but it's still lovely to see some of their excitement.
  • Chatting with a lady at the butcher's who, as it turns out, is the mother of a friend of mine.
  • Wishing a Merry Christmas to the children and my colleagues.
  • Playing games at the class Christmas party.
  • Out and about in Wick, almost everyone was feeling the Christmas joy, and smiles were everywhere!
  • Of course, driving home for Christmas, and singing the song as much as my cough would let me.
  • Delivering Christmas presents to friends.
  • Making a good start on my Christmas wrapping for the family presents - perhaps not a good enough start though!
  • Watching my 1 year old niece playing with some wrapping paper, and finding it more exciting than any toy!
  • And again with my gorgeous little niece, marvelling at just how quickly she can crawl when she wants to get somewhere!
  • Finding the plans for the house and the garage! It's handy having a brother around!
  • Watching said brother folding up baby clothes! Cute and funny at the same!
  • Sending Brother up into the loft to have a nosey, although there was disappointingly little treasure!
  • On the other hand, they did find an old gramophone in the garage, along with a keyboard! And some '78s!
  • Opening another door in the advent calendar, and realising just how little time there is until Christmas!
  • Then, the doggy advent calendar... which is always gorgeous!!
  • Ginny finished a present she's been making for a very long time! And it looks beautiful!
  • Putting up the Fimo crib that Ginny and Judith made several years ago.
  • Sitting down together at the end of the very busy day, and watching "It's a Wonderful Life". Classic Christmas viewing!
  • While we were watching the film, we heard Little Niece crying in another room (she had been put to bed). When Sister-in-law went to check, she found her fast asleep. No explanation for that one. Except, perhaps there was another baby in the house many years ago.

Tuesday 20 December 2022

20th December: A Busy and Varied Day

1. A child getting excited that I might still be their teacher next academic year.

2. My colleagues loving my Christmas Pudding hat!

3. Giving out Christmas presents at school. It was great listening to them trying to guess what they were!

4. My headteacher ringing to give me some lovely feedback. 

5. Watching Arthur Christmas with the P1-4s.

6. A crescent moon where we could see the shade of the rest of the circle. Apparently, this is called Earthshine.

7. Baby Ailsa having a great time playing with her napkin and napkin ring.

8. Auntie Clemency being made to roll Baby Ailsa backwards and forwards on a box lid!

9. Wrapping Christmas presents - finally getting there! 

10. Canine cuddles. It may have been cupboard love (they wanted their advent calendar) but it was nice that they were being super-affectionate!

11. Clemency waking up feeling much better after being ill yesterday.

12. Watching videos of the winter solstice at Maeshowe.

13. Listening to Christmas Carols by the fire this evening.

14. Showing The French Family around the grounds of Stempster - they made all the right noises!

15. Ailsa climbing the Pop Tree (with the help of Mama!)

16. Seeing the pheasant on the dog walk. It's so friendly, Mummy had to go ahead to frighten it away so that the dogs didn't get it!

17. Ailsa and Jess coming face-to-face and just staring at each other!

18. Teaching Baby Ailsa all sorts of bad habits at the lunch table - she was very good at it too!

19. Sharing in Ailsa's Book Advent Calendar. She hangs the tiny books on the tree once her Mama has read them to her.

20. Granddad and Baby Ailsa playing with the wooden trainset.

Monday 19 December 2022

19th December: The Arrival of the Family

 Today has been a special day! Here's some of the reasons why:

One: The French Family arrived today!

Two: It was school Santa day at Lybster today.

Three: When Judith mentioned that tomorrow would be her last day at school, one of her pupils got upset - she explained she only meant last day before Christmas and they were much happier.

Four: Meeting Baby Ailsa (our niece) for the first time. She is such a bright little button!

Five: Orlando was over the moon to have his Alex back. He got so giddy, and was leaping up at him as though he thought he was a puppy again (he's actually nine years old!).

Six: When we were sitting down for lunch, a rainbow suddenly appeared over the hill opposite.

Seven: I was back to present-making again today. I can't say too much, but they are going well!

Eight: Going around this morning and switching on all the Christmas lights. There are the two trees and four other sets.

Nine: Getting out on a dog walk again. The dogs have been mostly playing in the paddock during the snowy weather, which has been lovely but it was nice to take to the road again!

Ten: I had to chip through almost an inch of ice in some places to get the paths clear, but it was very satisfying standing back to look at a job (fairly) well done.

Eleven: Today we got an unexpected visitor at the feeding station. He was much too large to reach the seeds, but the little birds kept dropping things down to him.

Twelve: The crows are back in the crow's nest. This is one of the tallest trees in the garden and the crows were sitting there cawing across to us as we went out on our walk.

Thirteen: Giving the dogs their Advent Calendar treats - we realised that when Jess stands up on her hind legs she's about the same height as Orlando sitting up!

Fourteen: The moon this morning has a real sickle, and it was very yellow. It looked like it had come from the pages of a storybook.

Fifteen: Travelling to school in the dark - this only happens as it gets very close to Christmas. I can't believe just how close we are!

Sixteen: Judith got a lovely surprise when one of her pupils read a story they had written and wanted to share with her.

Seventeen: Being able to share Stempster with The French Family. I was so excited, I made them leave everything in the car so I could go in at the same time as them.

Eighteen: Standing back to look at the conservatory after I'd given it a clean and tidy. I'm very pleased with the result - it just oozes Christmasness!

Nineteen: Today we got a Christmas card addressed to "Dear Neighbour". We live in such a friendly place!

Sunday 18 December 2022

18th December: Decorating Day (Part 2)

  • Today started early for a Sunday, when I crept downstairs and curled up on the sofa in front of the Christmas tree to enjoy the glow of and lights and the smell of the fir.
  • Watching Ginny's pupils' concert on Youtube. All real gems!
  • Lighting the fourth advent candle! Only one more to go now, which will be lit on Christmas Day!
  • The snow is still here (although it's turned to ice) and the dogs just love to roll on it!
  • Working together (with no falling-out) to get the Christmas Tesco order sorted.
  • Going to collect the greenery from the garden: ivy, holly and spruce.
  • Even though I always end up with scratches, I still love putting together the greenery into sprays and garlands.
  • Seeing the lights that Judith and Ginny have been putting up, watching the house turn Christmassy!
  • Getting a certain something fixed in the house - I won't go into details but my goodness! What a relief!
  • Sitting together, somewhat leisurely, for cups of tea and Christmas biscuits. Simple, yes, but moments like these can't be recaptured.
  • Looking for footprints in the snow, and finding some we couldn't identify. A mystery is always exciting!
  • Touching the soil in my raised bed, and marvelling at how shoots can still push through even though the surface is rock hard.
  • Orlando (sprocker) stroked Jess (cocker). I wish I'd got it on camera, as it was so cute.
  • Having a lovely warm bath after working in the freezing cold conservatory throughout the day.
  • Having a mix-match dinner: it always feels like the build-up to Christmas when dinner is made up of lots of different parts.
  • I'm not a football fan, but it was lovely to watch Dad, Ginny and Judith getting so excited to see the World Cup Final.
  • Looking through the Bath Novel Award teasers. None of them look like they could be mine, but it was fun reading them as they came up.
  • Introducing Jess to Rusty, the singing Christmas dog we won at a tombola! I wonder if she'll learn to sing as well as Rusty.

Saturday 17 December 2022

17th December: Decorating Day (Part One)

1. Sitting down leisurely this morning - always a highlight of a weekend morning.

2. Extra thick cream in the coffee. An absolute treat!

3. Ginny and Clemency playing in the snow with Orlando and Jess. We know and appreciate how lucky we have been to have a little field in this snowy weather.

4. Putting up the little Christmas tree - balancing was tricky but I got there in the end (this was keeping occupied during Number 3.)

5. Decorating the big Christmas tree. It's in the conservatory so it was very cold, but it was also exciting! 

6. A couple of blizzards which we watched from the warmth of the living room. 

7. Looking through the beautiful tree decorations which have been collected through lifetimes of Christmases.

8. Ginny putting together her online Christmas concert, which allows her pupils to share their work with family and friends.

9. Decorating the small Christmas tree. This one is just silver and gold for Mum - very sophisticated! 

10. Mum putting in the Christmas order from Tesco!

11. A hilarious recording of the Dance of the Snowmen by Ginny and me!

12. Reading our cookie fortunes for 2023 - most of them seemed very nice.

13. A delicious Chinese takeaway. We had a less magical moment collecting it, but the meal itself was delicious.

14. Crunchy snow underfoot on the way to get the drying out the garage. I think it will be melting tomorrow so it was nice to make the most of it!

15. Showing off the Christmas trees to Mum and Dad, with the necessary countdowns.

16. The first snowball of the season - and that's the adult kind (cocktail) not the throwing one!

17. Finishing The Box of Delights. For saying we were going to watch it in one sitting, it's taken us a couple of weeks to complete it! But it's always a pleasure to watch.

Friday 16 December 2022

16th December: Looking for the Magic in the Moments

 Today has been an interesting day to say the least! But in amongst all the craziness there have certainly been some magic moments worth celebrating. Here's some of them...

One: This morning the half moon was so bright it was casting shadows on the snow. It put me in mind of the lines from A Visit from Saint Nicolas by Clement Clarke Moore: The moon on the breast of the new-fallen snow, Gave a lustre of midday to objects below

Two: Getting all the Christmas parcels sent. We're making the most of the free collection from the Royal Mail, especially as our car can't get off the drive! It's been parked in the same place for almost a week because of the snow and ice - but it's lovely to be snowed-in at our lovely home.

Three: And speaking of the snow on the road... There were definite signs of a tea-party having taken place out there! The footprints never lie!

Four: Today, as I said Merry Christmas to my last pupil of the evening, I closed my teaching of 2022. This year has just flown by - I can't believe how fast it's gone!

Five: On a Google Meet for Auri's lesson, it was lovely to see both the Croy and the France families there. But it might just have been capped by Auri's opening words of: "look at my baby sister".

Six: Judith brought the Christmas Trees inside! They will be decorated tomorrow and Sunday, and are just going to stand a while to settle. This just means that they are easier to decorate!

Seven: This evening (well, afternoon really, because sunset is so early!) the world was full of blues! The blue sky was reflected on the snow, and it looked incredibly magical.

Eight: Today we got a gift from a friend who we never normally receive a Christmas present from. That was lovely, and will be sitting under the tree as soon as it's decorated.

Nine: We used the sledge to move the compost and also bring the Christmas decorations over from the laundry room. We always said we would use the sledge if we ever got snowed in, and today we did!

Ten: We were both pleased and relieved to have Clemency arrive safely home. It took her almost two hours to get to work this morning, and she had to drive incredibly carefully because the hill was covered in ice.

Eleven: Mummy had a lovely conversation with Grandma today. It is so nice to be able to keep in touch with one another despite big distances. Sometimes I think about how it must have been in the times I write about, when it took days or week for news to travel the distance which is now instantaneous.

Twelve: Friday is burger day! This is always a magical moment in the week, and it makes the whole house smell very exciting!

Thirteen: It has been so cold today, that the birds have had a few extra meals. At one point, as Mummy was feeding them, they were coming right up to her to collect the food.

Fourteen: Tomorrow, I'll be putting the Christmas concert together - It's been brilliant gathering in the recordings my pupils have made, and I can't wait to share them with family and friends.

Fifteen: The house looked gorgeous this morning in the snow. I still have moments when I can't believe we live here!

Sixteen: This evening didn't quite go according to plan (a bit like the rest of the day!) but the presence of Pringles and a cup of tea has made everything seem a little bit better.

Thursday 15 December 2022

15th December: Snowy Gardening

 Another fabulous day at home, with many magical moments to share!

  • We had a Winter Wonderland walk with the dogs today. It's been really icy or snowy here all week, and it just wasn't a good idea to walk them, but we decided that the windfarm track would be fine. It was (but the road wasn't) and it was wonderful seeing snowy Stempster from a different angle!
  • When we were walking, a vole dived out in front of us. The dogs were too engrossed in trails to realise (thank goodness!) but it's always exciting to see our fauna neighbours!#
  • Writing Christmas cards to good friends is always a joy, thinking back over memories of them!
  • And then there's the bittersweet moments which are linked to number 3, thinking about the people who are no longer with us, and celebrating how they have touched our lives.
  • Seeing that some Christmas presents for my family had arrived, and imagining their faces when they open the gifts!
  • Planting 30 box hedging plants. Not ideal weather, I know, but they were bare root and have been in the garage for a few days. Now, they're all snugly bordering the shrubbery.

  • A similar vein to '6'... planting a bare root David Austin rose "Gabriel Oak". I love planting things - it really does feel magical!
  • Decorating gingerbread biscuits with icing, silver balls and writing icing. We do this every year, and it's great fun, as well as wonderful to think back over many happy memories.
  • Seeing hand written parcels arrive! Need I say anymore?
  • Seeing the long winter shadows at two o' clock in the afternoon. What a Christmassy sight!
  • Working together to get jobs done, like moving the fridge from the kitchen, to help out mum. Christmas is a busy time, and everyone needs to help where possible!
  • Being licked by Jess to within an inch of my life! She gave me a proper groom for some reason! Should I be offended? Well, it was cute anyway, so I'm putting it down as a magical moment.
  • Having a lovely, long, relaxing bath to soothe muscles after gardening!
  • Listening to Mum reading The Children of Green Knowe. It's a classic!
  • Being warmed from inside on this snowy day by Mum's homemade leek and potato soup!

Wednesday 14 December 2022

14th December: A Snowy Day

1. Thoughtfulness from Clem's headteacher getting in touch to say that her safety comes first and, if the roads were bad, she shouldn't go in today.

2. Orlando and Jess chasing each other in the snow. It is amazing to see how well they are getting on these days!

3. A proper snowfall! All our snow before today was freezing almost straight away so it was nice to have some crunchy snow today!

4. Doing more feedback for Globe Soup stories. I have really enjoyed reading so many great stories.

5. Getting some lovely feedback from other Globe Soup authors. Positive and constructive feedback always gives you a warm, fuzzy feeling!

6. Using the sledge to bring the post in! It was so much fun, if a little exhausting! (The post was four massive boxes of compost)

7. Making the Christmas biscuits - we made treacle biscuits and gingerbread, with an eye to decorating them tomorrow. 

8. The way that we became encircled by snow clouds at one point. Above us was a patch of pale blue while all around was brown.

9. Catching up with the advent candle in the living room! We hadn't lit it for a couple of days.

10. Clemency received the rose she had ordered from David Austin. I'm guessing it was an impulse buy because she couldn't actually remember what it was!

11. Going outside in the dark to admire the snow. It was starting to thaw a little by this point but it was still catching the light beautifully. 

12. A picture update on our latest niece and her wonderful big sister enjoying another snow day at home.

13. Mum and Dad working together to get their Christmas cards written. It is lovely to send messages to loved ones far and near at Christmas.

14. A hysterical moment while we were making the biscuits, when we mistakenly believed we had been very severely short-changed with our butter. Cue a hilarious video where we attempted to shame the retailer... but realised midway through that it was our mistake!

Tuesday 13 December 2022

13th December: The Day of the Ice

Today has been a bit crazy, but here are some of the moments which made it special.

One: Judith has been giving feedback on some of her fellow Globe Soup writers. She discovered some great writers!

Two: Playing ball with Orlando and Jess. He was not giving up that ball!

Three: Judith got stranded in Tesco, but the staff were lovely.

Four: Because the road was solid ice, Judith had to get a taxi home. The driver was very nice and - it has to be said - very brave too!

Five: Feeding the birds from the kitchen door. They got fed three times today and ate up everything. Bob Robin is a bit scary and mean to the other birds through.

Six: We put some sweets into the snowman. He's now complete!

Seven: The snow has a great knack for finding it's way down the chimney. I love hearing it fizzle on the fire.

Eight: Clemency getting safely home. We had seen a car get stuck on the hill, and we were worried she might get stuck.

Nine: Judith had her weekly Skype with our German friend. It's always great catching up with her!

Ten: Mum made the Cornish Pasties for Christmas Breakfast. It is my favourite meal of the year!

Eleven: Songs and pieces of music are starting to be sent in for the Christmas concert which my pupils put on each year - they're sounding fantastic. 

Twelve: After managing to get the Christmas Trees into the garage yesterday, we gave them a drink today. They are smelling amazing and I can't wait to bring them inside on Friday.

Thirteen: There is nothing more magical than snow at night. It's beauty never gets old.

Monday 12 December 2022

12th December: White Christmas

 Today's been full of moments, if I can just bring them all to mind now I've sat down to write this:

  • We had an impromptu walk to the house this morning when we realised the car couldn't go any further. The road is a sheet of ice, and in parts, we had to waddle our way along, but everything was beautiful. We had a "I can't believe we're here" moment, looking across at the hoarfrost covering everything.

  • On our walk, we saw two deer beside the broch. They just stood and watched us, completely unconcerned now we didn't have the dogs with us.
  • Unable to feel fingers, we curled them around a hot cup of tea when we arrived back at the house, sitting together by the fire.
  • Listening to Children of Green Knowe, read by Mum, and imagining all the goings-on in our house.
  • Putting fake candles around the crib. At Stempster, the nativity scene goes on the bookcase, and real candles would not be a good idea. Cue LED lights!
  • Seeing the snowbow from the bathroom window,  as it edged closer to Stempster.
  • Planting 25 silver birches. They arrived today and were bare root so I didn't want them sitting round in the garage for too long. It was snowing heavily, but I have to grab all daylight hours as I'm away at work most of the time.
  • Sitting having lunch with my family. We don't have lunch at the weekends, so I don't get this very often. It may seem small, but it matters so much.
  • Watching the dogs playing together in the orchard. We didn't walk them today because they would have pulled us over, but they love playing in the snow and frost, before coming inside to warm up again. When we first got Jess, we weren't sure how Orlando would feel. Now, they are so comfortable together.
  • Having my singing lesson again. For some reason or another, I've had very few singing lessons this term. And I've missed them! It was great to get back!
  • Sorting out the gifts I have for my loved ones, and figuring out what I still need to do. Yes, it's hectic, but I love imagining their reactions when they open their presents.
  • Getting out the snow globe (well, I didn't, but I watched!) The snow globe was brought back by Mum and Dad when they went to Vienna and it's clockwork. When you wind it up, it plays Silent Night. Beautiful!

There! There are more - the day has been full of special moments, and I can't wait for tomorrow's!

Sunday 11 December 2022

11th December: A very cold day!

 One: The moment when we had finished putting up the curtains in the bay window. It's now so much warmer in the room and it's always great to look at a job well done.

Two: On the walk this morning, Clemency and I saw two deer at the broch. The cold weather means they have to be braver about finding food.

Three: This morning, we had a very special guest in the garden: a pine marten! It was caught on the trailcam playing on the swing frame.

Four: Today, we finally opened up the church organ and played some Christmas carols. It sounded very atmospheric! 

Five: There were a couple of proper snow showers today, especially in the early afternoon. Always exciting!

Six: The pine martens weren't our only visitors - we also found evidence on the trailcam of a family of pheasants wandering across the lawn. They looked like mini-dinosaurs!

Seven: It can get very busy at this time of year, but it's still lovely to take the time to wrap presents and write cards.

Eight: Today's Children of Green Knowe was Toby's Story. It's always lovely to have the next installment of the Oldknowe family! 

Nine: Because of various other exciting things which have been happening (check out our other blogs!) we only just got round to opening our first batch of Christmas cards. It's lovely to hear from loved ones from far and near.

Ten: All Christmas music is beautiful in its own way, but there's something particularly exquisite about the opening bars of Love Divine. Absolute magic! 

Eleven: Receiving pictures of our nieces - it's their first day together! Two are our sister's daughters and one is our brother's. With over 1000 miles between them usually, this was a special moment!

Saturday 10 December 2022

10th December: Hello Elowen

Today was all about our outing to meet little Elowen! We had a fantastic time going down to visit the new arrival and her family, both on the road and while we were there to meet Elfi. So, here we go...

One: I drove amazingly well in horrendous conditions - Go me! (This one was volunteered by Mum, I'm not just being big-headed!)

Two: The mountains looked gorgeous all covered in snow.

Three: Elfi cuddles - well, more rocking and cooing than cuddles!

Four: We had a great takeaway this evening, a good way of making sure we all got to relax after the crazy day!

Five: Watching Auri showing off her little sister - she was horrified that Granny Susie said how lovely the Christmas Tree looked before she had gone to look in the Moses Basket!

Six: There were some beautiful rainbows today, and they seemed to be very close to where we were.

Seven: Driving back up the road, the moon looked amazing as it broke through the clouds - especially with the windmill in front.

Eight: It was great to have all of us in the car - inc. dogs! - and it meant we could all travel down together.

Nine: En route, we saw a red kite (the bird kind!) near Nigg Roundabout, and...

Ten: Just as we were setting off, we saw a raven at Stempster - one of our favourite birds!

Friday 9 December 2022

9th December: TGIF

Fridays are super for their own sake and, after a busy (although wonderful) week, it's lovely to take stock.

1: This morning on the dog walk, we saw the pink sky washing over the sea around Hoy. It looked so pretty!

2: Just after that, we spotted two red deer nearby. We get a lot of roe deer, but a red deer sighting is quite a bit rarer in this area.

3: Sharing news of the New Arrival with family and friends around the world. Always a special moment.

4: Elowen and her mum getting home from the hospital - and sending pictures of the little one fast asleep in her Moses basket.

5: Ginny and I setting up the boot divider in the car ahead of our trip down to Inverness tomorrow. We left it until dark so it was a bit hysterical trying to see what we were doing!

6: A light dusting of snow - not much and it didn't last long, but it felt like a start!

7: Watching Nativity! It's hilarious and terrifyingly accurate...

8: Having a long bubble bath - the best way to relax!

9: Some super exciting football today - and, as we always try to support the underdog, we were pretty chuffed with the Croatia win!

Thursday 8 December 2022

8th December: Happy Birthday, Little One

 Very exciting news today!

One: World, meet our new niece, Elfi, who made an appearance a little after 5am! Is there anything more magical than a new baby?!

Two: Snow has been settling here in Stempster. It's due to change tomorrow, but it was nice to go out in it this evening.

Three: Today was the HU Writes showcase. A brilliant evening of artistic words.

Four: We had a scheduled power cut today. It was great fun trying to go about things by candlelight, and the house smelt amazing because of the scented candles.

Five: I had a breakthrough moment with one of my Christmas present ideas. Making it by firelight reminded me of Mrs Cratchit in A Christmas Carol.

Six: Pancakes for dinner! It may not by pancake day, but it's fun mixing and matching the fillings at any time of the year!

Seven: Watching the stats for the sales of Phantoms for the Festive Season! This has become our bestselling ghost story book.

Eight: Being back together at Stempster. After Dad and Mum being away on Tuesday and Wednesday, then Judith being away until today, it's so nice to be back to five humans and two pups!

Time to breathe...

Wednesday 7 December 2022

7th December: Not Exactly as Planned...

...But it has created some very magical moments, all the same!

One: Our first dusting of snow this season. We seem to just be on the edge of it, but fingers crossed there's more on its way.

Two: Daddy and Mummy returned safely after last night's performance of the Nativity by Auri and her fellow nursery members.

Three: There is a real excitement about travelling and travellers at this time of the year! Of course, no one was on the platform in the wintry weather, but they arrived a little later. I've spent quite a bit of time at the station today as Judith had to head down to Inverness and babysit due to Moment Seven!!!

Four: Sales of our latest ghost story anthology are climbing. It's so exciting to know that our book is heading out across the world, and I can't wait to hear what readers thought of it!

Five: I began wrapping presents today. So far, I've wrapped three, so still a way to go. But at least it's a step in the right direction!

Six: A video message from little Auri to tell her Granny and Granddad (Mum and Dad!) that it was snowing at her house. She is one cute rascal!

Seven: And by no means least (in fact, it's more a case of: save the best until last!), we're about to become aunties for the third time! Baby Pip is making her appearance! Our sister's waters broke this morning and we're now excitedly and anxiously waiting for that phone call!

Tuesday 6 December 2022

6th December: the Feast of St Nicholas

St Nicholas, one of the main inspirations for the figure of Father Christmas or Santa Claus, is remembered for his generosity and random acts of kindness. No wonder that his Feast Day is full of Magic Moments then!

1. Our niece, Auri, was the king in her first ever Nativity play. She's only 3 but I hear her performance was excellent! 

2. The fabulous picture of the Moroccan team waving their manager in the air. It's on the BBC if you haven't seen it - and it's worth a look even if you're not a football fan. Pure joy and affection!

3. My class finally made some Christmas lanterns which I have had printed out since my probation year. The PSA who gave me the template passed away recently, so it was very moving to remember her. She absolutely loved Christmas and crafting!

4. Clem made a surprise dinner, which was really very tasty! When I hear the phrase "hearty vegetables" I tend to panic, but they were very good!

5. Skyping with a great friend tonight - the one person outside my family who I can really be myself with.

6. The light of the moon on a cold, cold evening. There may be snow coming but, for now, it is just stunning moonlight! 

Monday 5 December 2022

5th December: The Day of the Pork Pie

One: This morning was beautiful, still, and calm. It was freezing, but it was so peaceful.

Two: My mission to make Christmas presents took a giant bound forward today (I can't show a picture because it might spoil the surprise for someone!).

Three: I don't think there can be another shop more brimming with Christmas excitement than the Post Office. Everyone in there today was smiley and festive!

Four: I wish I could share smells on here! Imagine the smell of Christmas promise; the smell of the feast at the end of Advent; the smell of...

Five: THE PORK PIE!!! Our Christmas Breakfast is a thing of wonder, and the centrepiece is the pork pie. This year, it will be put in the freezer ready for the big day as we have family visiting in the lead-up to Christmas so there wouldn't be time to do it then.

Sunday 4 December 2022

4th December: Second Sunday of Advent

1: As on all Sundays in advent, one of the highlights of the day was lighting the candle on the advent wreath. Today's symbolises LOVE.

2 & 3: It was a busy day today - lots of things happening around the house. We were particularly pleased to clear a big space in the garage and also Clem made a start on the gates.

4: And finally, Sundays wouldn't be right if we didn't have some time sitting together to relax. This picture captured a moment earlier during the France-Poland match.

Saturday 3 December 2022

3rd December: Christmas in the Community

 3 Moments from 3rd December

1) When walking the dogs this morning, Jess came nose-to-nose with a hare. Fortunately, there was a fence in between and the hare took off along the field. When we were coming back, there was another in a different field. It reminded me how wonderful it is to live here!

2) We went to the Lieurary Christmas Party today and it was such a joy-filled event, we loved every minute. My favourite moment was when Santa came over and presented Dad with a hamper.

3) We have a dog advent calendar which Orlando has to share this year as we got a little bundle of craziness in Spring. Here they are doing synchronised cuteness while trying to get more treats - they don't understand how an advent calendar works.

Friday 2 December 2022

2nd December: Shopping and Books

 One: rushing around on errands in town! Everyone, even those who are darting from place to place, can't help but feel Christmassy.

Two: our 6th Christmas Ghost Story anthology launched today - spooky tales in all shapes and sizes!

Thursday 1 December 2022

1st December: "Magic Moments" begin

Welcome to our 2022 advent countdown! This year, the theme is Magic Moments, so we'll be sharing 300 moments which we hope will make you smile.

Today, the moment was definitely putting up the crib - always a wonderful time in the year!

It was right at the end of the night - and was very useful for cheering us up after Germany🇩🇪 got knocked out the World Cup!

24th December: The Final Preparations

Picture 1: Orlando has loved all 11 of his Christmases so far! Picture 2: And another crazy Orlando tail!  ...